08 August 2014

The Sad yet Exciting, one fab-u-lous play - Hetty Feather

As you know I am a massive Jacqueline Wilson fan so I was delighted when I found out that as part of my birthday treat I was going with my sister (who is also going to blog this soon on her blog: http://www.inessinsights.blogspot.com) and my parents to London to have dinner at Joe Allen and watch the play of Hetty Feather.

Hetty Feather is one of my favourite Jacqueline Wilson books and when I went to meet her they gave us a leaflet on Hetty Feather Live so I begged my Mum and Dad to take me to see it and it worked - one of my fave birthday presents ever!!

Hetty Feather is the tale of foundling Hetty and her life at her foster home and in the Foundling Hospital. Hetty's mother is a poor person very short of money - not enough to feed her child properly so when she gets a chance to leave her at the Foundling Hospital a place where they teach you lessons, feed you and give you accommodation she jumps at the chance. It sounds weird grabbing the chance to never see your baby again but Hetty's mother was desperate for a child to have a roof over head and some food - she wanted Hetty to live. Then Hetty leaves to live with a foster family, her mother Peg, brothers Gideon, Saul and Jem and her sister Eliza - everything was lovely and enjoyable; until Hetty turns 6 that is, then Hetty has to go back to the Foundling Hospital.

It is about Hetty trying to escape the Foundling Hospital, live her dream and find her real mother...

I love this play so much as it's really gripping even though I've read the book before, I had to continue watching. In the interval I was soooo bored and just wanted to get back to watching the play! Also it was zard emotional and touching, my mum cried like 100 times. Also the acting was amazing especially Phoebe Thomas the girl who played Hetty - I could feel it so well. I love the way it was put together. Those of you who have read the book will know there are many scenes set in the circus. Well the director Sally Cookson had the great idea of having the whole set like a circus throughout meaning that they used ropes and ladders even in scenes not set at the circus and I thought this was a very clever idea.

In my programme there are a few paragraphs written by Jacqueline Wilson. 'I'm so thrilled Hetty Feather has become a stage play!' - Jacqueline Wilson
  'When I make a new show the first thing I ask myself is - why do I want to tell this particular story? Jacqueline Wilson's Hetty Feather is a book of heart, grit and a plot that hurtles along like an express train.' - Sally Cookson, the director.
  'Gripping, touching, emotional and overall spectacularly spectacular!' - Lexie, What Lexie Loves.

My mum and dad enjoyed this too, it's not just for kids so go ahead and book your tickets now.

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