14 August 2015

GUEST POST: A ramble about blogging!

Today I have a guest post from the extremely talented Lillith, writing a really interesting ramble/discussion all about my favourite topic: blogging! This is such an intriguing post, I really love it! ❤️ Take it away girl! And afterwards I would TOTALLY recommend visiting her new blog!

Hello there! I’m Lillith, the writer of the Blog EAT MORE ART – DRINK MORE INSPIRATION (http://drinkmoreinspiration.blogspot.co.at/). Thank you Lexie for having me write a guest post for What Lexie Loves! 
Welcome to my guest post: a little ramble-kind-of-post about blogging!
What should my next post be about? Oh yeah, I have a new comment! Wait I should write a guest post. How should I start this post?...
Thoughts like that usually wander through my mind as I’m thinking about blogging
The main thing I love about blogging is that your Blog is your own little space and you have the freedom to set it the way you like it. You can spend hours deciding on your Blog layout to achieve the Blog look you desire and you have the chance to express yourself through words or/and photos, videos etc. 
Also blogging is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from all around the world! That’s also why I love the idea of guest blogging – you get to know new Bloggers. Years ago it was pen pals nowadays it’s more like Blogger or Youtube friends. And through all these Bloggers from different places you can learn so many new things, maybe not intentionally but no matter what kind of post you read whether it is a review, a travel or fashion post you can always find new aspects or inspiration for your own Blog or even for your life. 
One thing that I think about a lot when it comes to blogging is success or “blogging goals”. I feel like many people only consider you a “successful blogger” when you have thousands of followers, post every day and you earn money from it. To me you are successful blogger when you enjoy blogging and write about something you are really interested in, no matter if you have five, five hundred or fifty thousand followers. I think that it’s better to write when you feel like it and when you’re inspired rather than just posting something so you don’t miss out on your schedule. 
Considering “blogging goals” I see many bloggers who’s biggest dream it is to become a full time blogger. It definitely is a dream to do something you love for living! But I’m afraid that there is a difference between a hobbyand a job and if you do it for money you might feel more under pressure! But I can’t really tell since I obviously haven’t experienced full time blogging (yet).
Blogging is also kind of like writing a diary, even if you don’t write a very personal Blog I think it’s quite fun to look through older posts and remember. 
Wait a second, I feel like taking a break… just kidding but motivation and organisation are not to be forgotten when it comes to blogging! I always love to read and reply to nice comments and they also motivate me. And without organisation I would be completely lost with my post ideas and everything!
All in all I’ve been loving blogging so far and I think I might gain some confidence from it! I hope to meet many Bloggers and I am excited for my continuing journey as a Blogger!
I could write so much more about blogging but this post is already quite long I think! Let me check this post one more time, hopefully there aren’t too many mistakes in it! Wait, how do I even end a guest post?...


  1. Cool guest post :D


  2. Awesome! I love blogging for the same reasons, too! :D

    xoxo Morning

  3. This is such a lovely guest post! It's always interesting to hear other people's opinions on blogging ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  4. I like the idea of blogging as a diary, as something to simply enjoy writing. If you're writing exactly what you think, then I don't think it's possible to ever feel uninspired, because you're always thinking. I don't see how it would be possible to want to take a break. Although I still understand the satisfaction of having actual followers.

    The Life of Little Me


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