01 July 2017

I Am Malala - book review

Hola Lexicans! It's July today *whoop whoop summer has really, truly begun* and I thought I would treat you all with some cake* a book review on I Am Malala - a really popular, inspirational book I read last month.

*sorry just remembered I ate all the cake

I Am Malala is a non-fiction book all about 19 year old Malala Yousafzai, a teenager from Pakistani who stood up for women's rights and was shot in the head by the Taliban at just 15 years old. She is the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I knew who Malala was - of course, and that her book was worth reading and very inspiring yet I had never actually picked up her book... until a few weeks ago that is!
Image result for i am malala

Non-fiction books are NOT my thing. Not at all. So even though I knew this book was really popular and had got many recommendations that I needed to read it, I had been putting it off for a while and it had just been sitting on my shelf, waiting to be read and so I thought okay FINE universe stop telling me I need to read it. So I finally picked it up and started reading. Because I wasn't very convinved Iwas going to really get into it, when I started I was a little distracted and not putting all my focus and concentration into it. Later that evening when I picked it up again I finally read it properly without stopping and instantly fell in love.

I love the editorial voice in the book, it makes Malala feel so much more real as if you really know her and gives you a real backstory rather than just 'Malala, the girl who was shot by the Taliban'. I found her backstory so sad yet you could feel her passion and hope coming through within the book. I also found the way that the book was laid out almost like a story, with characters and a plot even though it is actually somebody's life.

Overall, I feel like this is a very empowering and inspiring book that every single person reading this blog post should take time to read one day. Have you already I Am Malala? What did you think of it?



  1. I have heard of this book but have never given it a try, Maybe I should!
    Lovely interview Lexie,
    Skye // A little inkling// alittleinklings.blogspot.com
    Ps I have nominated you for the Character Battle Tag

  2. I can't believe I haven't read I Am Malala yet-- it's been on my TBR pile since forever! O.O

    xoxo Abigail Lennah | ups & downs

  3. I read the book this past school year for an after school club and I loved it so much. Like you I don't really like non fiction but I loved the book so much. Like I read the whole thing in a day and then I had to tell both of my parents and all of my friends about it.

    Nabila | Hot Town Cool Girl

  4. I have read the book before- I actually purchased it personally and own a copy. I loved reading about Malala's personal experiences, and I kept craving for more! But I wonder what she is doing now?

  5. Malala is amazing, so strong. I think it's so sweet that you done a review on this Lexie! xxx


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