09 July 2015

One daaaaay in the futureeeee!

Some of you will have seen a new post going round the blog-o-sphere, called What's The Plan, so I decided to do my own version! Enjoy!

Dream Job?
Full-time blogger, or reviewer!

Back-up jobs?
Director, journalist, author, interior designer, scriptwriter, publisher or actress!

Probably, but only 1 or 2.

Kids names?
Girls: Zoe and Isabella
Boys: Lucas or Jake

Yessss! If I find the right guy!

Yes! I want to go to: *pulls out a list* Harvard University!


I want to live in London or NYC.

Flat, apartment, house etc.?
If I live in London or NYC I have to assume it would be in a flat. But I'd like it to be a house!

YASSSSSSSSSSSS! (A Yorkshire Terrier)

Definitely! It'll be a lifestyle and beauty blog - called Just My Style, plus an online shop.

I will travel abroad once or twice a year, and will have visited Tokyo, Australia, Brazil and Canada.

And that's it! What's your dream future?


  1. Nice post Lexie! I also want to go to Harvard University as well! It is a great university, but very hard to get into. I want to go to Harvard to become a Doctor!

    ~ Sarah
    * http://joysofmyhappylife.blogspot.com/ *

  2. Great post Lexie! Why do you want to go to Harvard University?
    Abi xx

  3. Awesome post Lexie! Your future blogging idea is so cool!

    ~ Rukiya

  4. Your life dream sounds on point. NYC or London sound perfect, and so does finding the right guy and travelling once a year ;) I guess we'll all have to see where life takes us. I love that yours includes writing in every aspect. I think the real question is whether we all see ourselves with blogs in the far future.

    The Life of Little Me

  5. What a lovely post! I would love to live in an apartment in NYC ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  6. Hey do you mind me borrowing this idea? It cool

  7. ya could I borrow this idea and do it on my blog



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