27 October 2015

Previously on... What Lexie Loves

Hola Lexicans!!! Last night I was rereading my favourite book, Wonder by R.J. Palacio for - no jokes - about the 60th time! Now you may have never seen me mention Wonder on What Lexie Loves before and that's because, it was my first ever post over 2 years ago. But I still love it, and I still want everybody in the whole world to read it, and its the same with other books. And that's why I'm doing a revisit on WLL.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Where do I start? My first ever blog post, the book I've read most out of all the ones I own... my favourite. As I said, I reread Wonder yesterday, and I'd kind of forgotten just how beautiful Wonder is. I cried. I laughed. I smiled. I changed.

In the world, there are about ten or so books that are just pure magic, and you can tell once you have found one. Wonder is definitely in this category. If you haven't already, you should definitely buy a copy. I'M ACTUALLY BEGGING YOU, it has the ability to change lives!!

And if you want to see the cringe-y full review (along with a couple of spelling and grammar errors, sorry!) then you can read it here.

Please, just buy it...!

A Year Without Autumn by Liz Kessler

If you've read my blog before, you almost definitely will know that A Year Without Autumn is one of the BEST BOOKS EV-ER! Just thinking about it gives me this little tingly feeling (it's one of the other books made of 'pure magic')

Full of millions of different emotions, nerves, happiness, worry and confusion, just to name a few and so gripping. I loved it so much that, after it was due back (I got it as a library book), I decided to buy it anyway, because I was missing it!


And here's the top tip I put in my blog post:

Unless you think you can finish it in time DO NOT read this book before you go to bed because if you don't finish it before you're meant to be asleep you'll stay up until you do!!!

You can read my full review here.

Forbidden Friends by Anne-Marie Conway

Ending 'Previously on WLL', we have another one of my favourite books - Forbidden Friends by Anne-Marie Conway.

Mystery books have been my favourite genre for a long time, and this is really up there. I honestly couldn't put it down - all my spare time was spent reading it! I just wanted to get right to the end to find out what happens, but then when I got there I was so sad that it had ended.

I'd definitely recommend this book to mystery-lovers and fans of Jacqueline Wilson! And the complete review is here.


If you'd like another Previously on WLL again let me know, and READ THESE BOOKS!!!!



  1. You seem very passionate about this book, looks good :)

  2. I do like mystery books, must check this out! :)


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