24 December 2017

Christmas Favourites - MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!

Hola Lexicans! Ahhhhhhh, so to those of you who celebrate Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE, and for some of you in Australia, New Zealand and other eastern countries it's actually Christmas Day, so I hope you have an amazing amazing day. So today, we were having lunch and my sister came up with a blog post idea called Christmas Favourites. It's probably been done before, but yeah it's kind of original, so take it or leave it.

Basically Christmas Favourites (very simply) is where I will list loads of favourites, but CHRISTMAS RELATED (yes, my fave topic!), so for example Favourite Christmas Movie? and then I answer it. It's fairly self-explanatory to be honest, so let's get started:

Favourite Christmas Movie? - Hmm.. this is hard because (and don't' shoot me) I'm not the biggest fan of films, so whilst I do love them when their festive, I still haven't seen that many. I love the Nativity films though, they are hilarious!

Favourite Christmas Food? - In general, then gingerbread but if we're talking just in Christmas lunch, then probably roast potatoes or Yorkshire puddings.

Favourite thing about Christmas? The whole atmosphere + having fun with my family. And food.

my mini Christmas tree in my room:)
Favourite Christmas Song? I think it's got to be All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey (who is a literal queen btw)

Favourite Christmas Pressie ever? Ahh I'm so lucky, that I've had a lot of amazing presents, but when I got my ears pierced last year that was amazing.

Favourite Christmas Game? So to be honest, I'm not really a charades or card games person, but I do love a good ol board game (even though that's not Christmassy, we play them most at Christmas soooo).

Favourite Christmas decoration? I love love love my mini fake Christmas tree in my room - it's so cute.

So these are some of my Christmas Favourites. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE/CHRISTMAS AHHHH and I'll be back soon:)) woooooo. What are your answers to these questions? Have a lovely lovely Christmas if you celebrate it, or if not just have a fab day!


1 comment:

  1. I love Christmas so much and it’s blowing my mind that it’s tomorrow! Love this post 😊


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