28 October 2018

Let's Talk About Periods... Collab With Absolutely Olivia

Hi! Today I'm super excited as I'm doing a collab with one of my all-time FAVE bloggers: Olivia from Absolutely Olivia. Her blog is a lifestyle and fashion blog, and she speaks out loads about activism and feminism, which is so so cool and important. Today, we're doing a collab all about periods, the taboo surrounding it and period poverty. I've also contacted UK-based charity Bloody Good Period, who give menstrual supplies to refugees and asylum seekers who can't afford them, and we've done a little interview, and on Olivia's blog she's done an interview with #happyperiod, so go check her post out too!!

In my eyes, I think periods are ridiculously tabooed and kept quiet when they shouldn't be. My friends and I talk about periods and cramps and all that jazz all the time, yet I never see it talked about on other people's blogs, social media and films/TVs, even though it's a normal part of life for around 50% of people. And because of this taboo, people don't talk about period poverty enough and don't realise just how much of an issue it is. Did you know that the average woman will spend a rough estimate of £4800 in her life-time on period supplies? I didn't either until I started planning this post, and I was shocked at that figure. How on earth are people on low incomes, like refugees, going to access them? This is where Bloody Good Period helps as much as it can. I contacted Alice, who works at BGP, to answer some questions I had regarding period poverty:
creds: https://twitter.com/bloodygood__

What are ways your organisation fights period issues across the UK?

We provide menstrual supplies to Asylum Seekers and Refugees through established drop-ins across London, and one in Leeds. We also aim to raise awareness of the issues through events, discussion and protests (see our bloody laundry protest: https://rightsinfo.org/period-poverty-asylum-seekers/)

What is your definition of period poverty?

Not being able to afford menstrual supplies, not having access to free menstrual supplies, or having to make a choice between buying menstrual supplies or other essential items such as food.

How can we help to remove the stigma around periods?

We believe the best way to remove the stigma is to talk about it, we encourage people of all ages to discuss their experiences with periods.

How can an individual help prevent period poverty in other ways than just donating money?
They can donate pads to us by using our Amazon Wishlist or run a collection for us, pop a box in your office and watch the donations flow in!
How does period poverty affect girls in ways other than just discomfort?
We don't have any official data on this as an organization but there are mental health issues which can arise from a lack of access to hygiene products and not having access to essential items like menstrual supplies can cause stress and anxiety.
Realistically, could abolishing period poverty be something that happens in the next few years, or is something that will take decades to get rid of?
In the UK, it could be achieved if the government agreed to make menstrual products freely available to those who need them, and we've seen some progress with this in certain areas (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/aug/17/period-poverty-north-ayrshire-council-scottish-labour-free-sanitary-products). It's not impossible to solve this issue within the next decade, but we need to keep putting pressure on the government to offer to fund free menstrual supplies.
Could companies who sell feminine hygiene products do anything to help?
They can and are in some cases, we get donations directly from companies occasionally. They can donate their products for free to organisations such as ours, and they can work on the way they market their products to help with the stigma.
How does the stigma around menstruation affect period poverty?
If you can't talk about your period, you can't get help when you need it, that's why we think talking about periods is essential to break down the stigma.
Thank you so much to Bloody Good Period, for answering these questions, and supporting those who need it:) I think breaking the stigma around periods is so so important, particularly as a teenage girl. If you can, donate to Bloody Good Period (here) or just do your part by raising awareness and using your. Speak up!!

I hope you've all enjoyed this post - and make sure you check out Olivia's post out here!! I'll be back soon with another blog post:)


  1. Lexie!! This is so good :) I'm so glad we were able to collab and talk about this very important topic for both our audiences. Woohoo, we did it!

  2. I AM SO TRILLED TO SEE A PERIOD POST! Way to go keep shinning the light on those things that dont get talked about enough. I do love when companies make donations like this. Thanks for this post! <3

  3. Love this!! And the fact that you've talked about something that isn't blogger about a lot is perfect!

  4. I hate that theres a stigma around periods, literally 3billion people on this planet bleed every month and it's still such a taboo subject to talk about, glad you've brought it up!

  5. I have participated a few times in an organization called Days for Girls. They supply people in the world with reusable menstruation supplies (because there are parts of the world that don't have sufficient ways to dispose of the one time items).
    You can help out in many ways, one way is to actually help make the kits from fabric - they have the pattern and information of anyone is interested in doing a service project.

  6. I have a series dedicated to periods on my blog! I love that I'm seeing more people talk about them now. I've never heard of this organisation before but I'm definitely going to look into them further x


  7. It's great to see you talk so openly about periods! I really had a hard time dealing with the stigma when I got my first period, but I'm now at the point in my life where I don't care anymore. If people give me weird looks when I suddenly declare that I need a bathroom right freaking now, I'll bluntly tell them why.
    Not letting the stigma get to me has opened my eyes to the problems surrounding periods. This month I wasn't paying attention (exams and stress and everything) so I suddenly found myself in a classroom without any mentrual products and a fair chance of starting my period. My university has no menstrual products at hand in any of the bathrooms, so if I'd started my period that day I would have had to walk 10 minutes to the nearest supermarket and spend €5,- on pads. Why can't universities just have that stuff in the bathrooms? Even if they asked €0,10 per pad it would be way better than nothing at all.
    Sorry for the rant, but I really care about this topic these days!

    x Envy
    Lost in Translation


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